Schema counseling is based on using any or all of the 3 constructs of the Schema concept such as Basic Positive Schemas, Personal Positive Schemas and Positive Diversions to form directives which deal with the issue of transformation or rejuvenation. When a directive gets to be exercised naturally, it can then be termed as a "schema".
In our conselling sessions, we also emphasize on adapting and conditioning the mind through cherishing techniques. These help in conditioning the mind to achieve the individuals desired goal.
// Basic Positive Schemas
Meditative and introspective techniques are used here to focus on gaining solidity in functioning and avoiding problems in general living, while simultaneously using values for restructuring negative schemas into positive schemas. Our focus on values is based on the cause-and-effect theory and general legalities, and is presented as directives to be introspected, imbibed and applied even in adversities. The directives of "Basic Positive Schemas" are helpful in adapting to responsibilities, discarding unproductive inputs, functioning efficiently and for inculcating a sense of wholesome living while pursuing legitimate interests. They are:
I should not hurt anyone physically, verbally and mentally.
I should carry out all my duties happily, without hurting my mind and my body.
// Personal Positive Schemas
In addition to "Basic Positive Schemas", it is quite natural that most of us are in need of some specific directives to remove schemas which stifle our well-being or which may even lead us to function in unethical ways. Almost everyone has some schema or the other that keeps interrupting their happiness. Here, counseling sessions on a one-to-one basis provide insight, analysis of directives and changes in directives concerning specific problems (that is, essentially restructuring schemas concerning issues at a personal level).
People from varied backgrounds such as students, working people, those with relationship problems, those with emotional problems, those with health problems (including cancer and HIV positive), prisoners, sex-workers, alcoholics and those under substance abuse too have found it useful.
Intervention of unclear schemas can even lead to mental disorders of the mind, and those suffering from them are in need of adjunctive therapy involving the restructuring of schemas along with psychiatric treatment, for recovery without relapse. So, we do conduct counseling and supportive therapies for those suffering from mental conditions/disorders such as;
Anxiety – (Panic, Trauma, Phobias, Acute Stress and PTSD)
Depressive – (Depression, Bipolar)
Psychotic – (Schizophrenia, Delusional)
Behavioral – (Alcoholism, Addictions)
Personality – (Borderline, Paranoid, Dependent, Multiple, Obsessive-Compulsive, Antisocial)
Eating – (Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa)
Though personal directives are very specific to the needs of the individual, a few examples (specifics can be added on) are given below for better understanding;
As all circumstances are prone to change, I will continue to do my best even in adversities.
I should maintain a healthy lifestyle, as health cannot be taken for granted.
I will not waste time on people with devious intent. They cannot dilute my productivity.
I should not give importance to luck and superstition as it interrupts my progress while at work.
Any harmless activity that provides a basis for forming or restructuring schemas for betterment can be termed as a Positive Diversion. Irrespective of its nature, Positive Diversions can be calming and therapeutic and hence can contribute in aiding the process of forming good schemas even after the activities have concluded.
It is commonly observed that activities related to religion, culture, social gatherings, sports, music, art and group activities can be useful in relieving stress and gaining a progressive mood. It provides inspiration to form positive directives which in due course manifests as positive schemas. A set of good schemas can collectively form good mental representations about personal identity, cognition and positive outlook towards life. Besides, the idea of forming good schemas from anything inspirational is inculcated and it can even be extended to habituate self-analysis, resolving-nature, cherishing-nature and wellbeing.
Now, let us look at some examples of directives being drawn from religious concepts (one of the Positive Diversions). Here too, the directives can be from basic to specific, depending on individual needs. They can even be borrowed from varied sources and perceived with a religious outlook for easy acceptance (as in examples 2 & 3 below);
For my wellbeing, I will be regular in doing all the religious practices in which I have faith. This directive can instill a sense of lightness and confidence in regular living, and give solace in difficult times by way of reasoning that things could be worse without the practices.
I should carry out all my duties and beliefs happily without hurting my mind and body. Adapted from the class of directives under "Basic Positive Schemas" with an additional factor of "beliefs". The modification is for discouraging self-harm and encouraging a happy disposition in regular living. It also helps to rationalize undertakings and reduce anxiety about the outcome of expectations.
I should not give importance to luck and superstition as God is the most powerful entity above all other factors.
Adapted from the class of directives under "Personal Positive Schemas" with the additional factor of "God is above all else". The modification is for discouraging dependency on external factors and outcomes, while encouraging the joy in involvement.
Though we are a non-religious charitable trust, under "Positive Diversions" we do encourage individual as well as group activity involving different religions, culture etc., which help in forming productive schemas leading to wellbeing. These
// Group Activity Model: Positive Diversion
(Buddhism / Hinduism / Christianity / Islam)
People's faith/belief can be used positively to develop concentration and to reflect on life to cherish or resolve. It can bring solace and help in restructuring schemas. It consists of the below mentioned steps to be followed;
Active mental presence can be representative of belief and commitment.
Involvement in pre-prayer activities such as counting beads, offerings, writing/reading religious verses, chanting and so on which help in detaching the mind from problems, for aiding stress-relief and for improving concentration skills.
Prayer can involve a thought about the good things experienced, can seek continuance of courage in facing the ups and downs of life even better, followed by exercising rationality in expectations, and then organizing and expressing problems or issues.
After prayer resolving, having outpoured thoughts/expectations, feel relieved in understanding that God is the ultimate entity who knows what is best for you and that you are leaving your desires, disappointments, stress, ordeals and so on before God, and now that you have his blessings you will be humble but resolute in functioning at your very best (meditate to consider practicalities and try forming necessary directives which can be manifested as schemas).
Self-assessment by questioning yourself on whether you concentrated on your prayer and resolving. If your answer is a "Yes", be happy and cherish about yourself for utilizing the opportunity to surrender in completeness to God and that you will be taken care. (Explanation: Surrendering of the self is a wonderful technique to be relieved of stress. When relieved of stress, coping-up skills and problem-handling skills improve, resulting in enhanced efficiency in working towards goals. The rejuvenation that follows will lead one onto happy and content and thus successful life). If your answer is a "No", resolve to avoid distractions where applicable and to better utilize prayer sessions for your development and happiness.